Your dentist can diagnose and treat dental health problems before they become serious. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are an important part of maintaining good dental health as you age.
If the dentist finds that oral hygiene efforts are lacking, ask how you can help. It may be that your loved ones simply need a refresher course and some help gathering the right tools to do the job properly; or they may need a more hands-on type of assistance. The dentist may also recommend prescription antibacterial or fluoride rinses to help reduce risk of tooth decay, or other supplements such as Biotene products to help counter mouth dryness. For patients with an acidic mouth or dry mouth, a simple sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) rinse can be used, especially at night, to neutralize the acidic mouth. (Mix approximately 1 teaspoon to a cup of water or as tolerated).
You can help maintain their dignity by always asking for permission to touch them, and by checking on their comfort periodically as you brush and floss their teeth.
Transitioning into the role of caregiver for an aging loved one is rarely stress-free; just keep in mind that your help will make all the difference.